What is HTML and how can one use it?

Are you among those who are ready to start learning HTML language but totally confused on where to begin? I bring you your solution.

I will be teaching HTML language from scratch. I will open your eyes to so many things.

So in this article, I want to cover up the introduction of HTML and things you can do with HTML and things you can't do with HTML.

Basically, HTML is the building block or better foundation of websites. It is the first step to prepare web application, but you can't finish everything with just HTML.

There are things called elements. These elements are made up of syntax.

We also have opening and closing syntax. The opening and closing syntax is what make up an element.

At this point, the basic elements you need to know are;

<!HTML DOTYPE> this is HTML document type declaration.

<html> both head and body elements goes in here </html> this is html document elements.

<head> search engines information goes in here </head> this is html header elements.

<body> page content goes in here </body> this is html body elements.

Above are the first elements to start writing html codes with. So as we move on to the next article, I will explain one after the other in a understandable way.
